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TAE40110 Cert IV TAE is superseded – are you running out of time to become a trainer?

May 1, 2017


Each industry has a wealth of knowledge which needs to be passed on and is considered of great value in the marketplace. If you are thinking about becoming a trainer in the next few months, there are a few things you should know before your sign up.

You may be signing up to an old qualification –

The TAE40110 is the qualification offered by most registered training organisations at the moment. Although it can still be offered to the public, a new qualification is out (TAE40116 ) which very few organisations at this stage are able to offer. You may still be able to work as a trainer with the TAE40110 qualification, but as it is generally the case, training organisations start to ask for the current qualification not long after it is out in the marketplace.

You only have until the end of September 2017 to finish –

Most people want to get their qualification in the shortest time possible without spending more time than they need to complete the training. Even if you are able to complete the training in a short timeframe, the assessments for the TAE40110 course take a few months to complete for the majority of students. When all of these factors are considered, the September completion timeframe provides no flexibility to extend completing your qualification. The only option with that RTO is a partial completion for work you have submitted.

Keep a copy of your evidence –

You may feel that you can complete the qualification in time with hard work. Your RTO will ask you for your assessments to assess your work. Make sure you keep a copy for yourself just in case something is missed. If for some reason you need to review this after the September or seek out another RTO to compete the qualification, you may be able to use this with another RTO. It may not all mapped out to the new qualification but some may be able to be used depending on where it sits in your portfolio.

The challenges with completing the TAE40110 qualification at this point in time are it can create more work for you, be stressful and produce a disappointing outcome. Because of this, we at Auctus have stopped taking enrolments for the superseded TAE40110 qualification while we wait for our application approval for the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment on our scope of registration.

Call us today to be added to our list so you can be one of the first people to enrol.